Legale notice

Please take your time to read the following terms and conditions of using our website.

Website information

Site Editor

S.A.R.L. Norreslet Mountaineering
95 Chemin de l’Abreuvoir
Bois Rond
74310 Les Houches
Tel. +33 (0)6 84 20 91 82
Contact in writing

R.C.S. ANNECY 819 163 700
S.A.R.L. au capital de 15000€
Numero Immatriculation Registre des Opérateurs de Voyages et de Sejours : IM074140004
Garantie Financiere : GROUPAMA Assurance – Crédit – 126, rue de la Piazza – 93199 Noisy-Le-Grand Cedex, France, Contrat n°4000715030/1
Assurance responsibilité Civile professionelle: MMA IARD, 14 Boulevard Marie et Alexandre Oyon, 72030 Le Mans Cedex 9, France, Police n°127314664

Site Creation

Asmus Nørreslet
Tel. +33 (0)6 84 20 91 82
Contact in writing

Website host

GreenGeeks LLC
5739 Kanan Rd Suite 300
Agoura Hills, CA 91301

Phone: 1-877-326-7483
Local:  1-310-496-8946

Terms and conditions of use

When you browse and use our website ( and all associated pages within its site map you are considered having accepted our legale notice and thereby the terms and conditions stated below. If for some reason you don’t accept these conditions you should stop using this site immediately.

Website content & responsabilities

The content on this website expresses general information about Norreslet Mountaineering’s (NM) products and activities. While we try to keep all information as accurate as possible, it can occur at any given time that some information isn’t up-to-date and therefor not correct. Information and prices are subject to change at any given moment. Most of the described activities are inherently dangerous, and NM cannot be held responsible for accidents that occur to people who due to, inspired by, or in any other way get themselves in trouble based on information they find on this website.


The entire website is subject to the French and international copyright and intellectual property legislation and is the property of Asmus Norreslet. All rights are reserved, and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in any form or by any means without written and signed consent from the site editor. Sharing content on social networks using the appropriate social button throughout the site are not considered as a conflict of interest.

External and hypertext links

Hypertext links or external links may be used on the site. Ultimately we have no control of the content displayed on these link and relying on any information from these sources is of your own risk. When visiting external links you must refer to that external websites terms and conditions of use. We ask you not to make any hypertext links from any website controlled by you or otherwise to this website without the express prior written permission of the Website Editor. Please contact us if you would like to exchange links.

Law and jurisdiction

This Legal Notice shall be governed by French Law. Any disagreement or dispute arising with or without relation to this legale notice shall be decided in French court unless settled in an amicable manner.

Privacy and data collection

Data protection
In accordance with the French law of data protection (“Informatique et Libertés”) of January 6, 1978, amended in 2004, any user of this website have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete information concerning him/her included on the website. You can exercise your right by contacting – Asmus Nørreslet (see full details under “Website Information”).

We collect and use information about our users in the following ways:

When you fill out a form on this webpage the form content is emailed to our office. We keep this information stored on our computers so we can contact you and use the information you have send for recommendations, trip planning, advice etc.

User profiles
On this site you can create your own user profile. You can choose what information you want to show other users on this site. You can at any moment change your settings or erase your profile.

If you wish to receive our newsletter you have the option to sign up on various places on our page or within some forms. If you like to unsubscribe you can always do this by either clicking unsubscribe on the actual newsletters or by contacting us directly.

If you comment on our website and wish to correct or delete such a comment you cannot do this directly from the site. You can contact us and we do it for you.

It happens that we use your “thank you” or general comments about a trip in our testamonial section. If you want to have a comment removed just  contact us and we will do it for you.

Photos & Video
On our trips we take pictures and sometimes video. We share such media with the participants on the trip, and in exchange we use these pictures on our social media and website. The pictures we share with the participants are under copyright and while you can use them for your personal use you are not intended to use them in any commercial purpose without our consent. If you do not wish to participate in this exchange then please let us know in advance.

Our website use various “cookies”. A cookie is a small text-file that is send to and then stored on your computer when you visit a website. Some cookies are necessary for the site to function properly and to ensure the best viewing experience. Other cookies that are not entirely necessary for the site to function helps us gather information for statistics use. We do not share any information with 3rd parties.

What is all this cookie business?

Google talk about Cookies >>

About Cookies on Wikipedia >>

You can at any time switch off cookies in your browser. We do not recommend this as it will block you from important site functions such as placing an order and could result in a less interesting user experience when viewing the site.